Autonomous Systems

Developing intelligent and adaptive programs

Developing adaptive and responsive autonomous systems has never been more possible

Whitepaper: How Companies Can Start Using Artificial Intelligence

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It's machine learning, on auto-pilot

Autonomous systems allow machine learning to take over the continuous improvement model for the application or domain to automatically be updated and become more equipped, enabled, or accurate without human interaction.

Key Areas of Autonomous Systems

  • Machine learning is the central driver
  • Automatically sorting and flagging information such as emails, transactions, communications
  • Detecting problems by establishing expected ranges and reporting faults
  • Performing maintenance processes such as file cleanup and database optimizations
  • Creating adaptive business intelligence reporting

Advantages of Autonomous Systems

  • Reduced System Maintenance Costs
  • Increased quality of data
  • Tirelessly works day and night
  • Performs time sensitive tasks quickly
  • Becomes more accurate over time
  • Improves system reliability
  • Frees up human capital

Cloud Management Dashboards

  • Artificial Intelligence will require a lot of data or a lot of training
  • Accuracy may be poor initially during training
  • Costs to develop the Artificial Intelligence may not outweigh benefit
  • Decisions may be made by the Artificial Intelligence that a human would not make

Supporting all major autonomous systems platforms and products

9.6% CAGR

Autonomous ships market is projected to reach 8.2 billion by 2030, at a CAGR of 9.6% during the forecast period.

Markets and Markets

Autonomous systems in action


An automotive manufacturer had a requirement for a system that could provide some level of quality control checking in order to meet ISO Standards. The idea was to use sensors and to program specific thresholds for which the system would either pass or fail the vehicle part this factory produced. We proposed using artificial intelligence to create its own independent thresholds. Using a variety of sensors and training a neural network with thousands of examples of good and bad parts, the artificial intelligence determined with a high degree of accuracy if a part did not meet standards.


Dealing with many ETL processes to aggregate data, this government entity required a solution for being able to AutoMap fields intelligently and import them into their databases. This particular system used artificial intelligence to look at the incoming dataset and came up with a best determination as to how the data should go into standardized fields. This was previously being performed by an entire team of individuals. After deployment of the system, the ETL process was mostly running independently and even correcting errors found in older data files.

Evolving computer programs

Autonomous systems are designed to adapt and learn from their environment - instantly and automatically. Most systems require humans to monitor and maintain them, particularly when unexpected events happen outside of their original programming. Autonomous systems leverage AI to create solutions on their own. An enterprise likely has thousands of decisions to make daily. Imagine if even a percentage of those decisions could be made without human involvement.

“If you recognize that self-driving cars . . . prevent car accidents, AI will be responsible for reducing one of the leading causes of death in the world.”

Mark Zuckerberg


76 million baby boomers will retire over the next three decades, only 46 million new workers will be available to replace them, and it makes automation a real and viable solution.

Benefits of Automation. “Benefits of Automation,” n.d.

Full suite of artificial intelligence services

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