Hiring guide for IEC 61499 Function Block language. Engineers

IEC 61499 Function Block language. Developer Hiring Guide

The IEC 61499 Function Block language is a high-level computer programming language developed by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). It was designed as an evolution of the IEC 61131 standard, specifically for distributed control and automation systems. The language employs a function block model that encapsulates behavior and event-driven execution semantics, making it highly suitable for industrial applications. This programming paradigm has been recognized for its ability to enhance reusability, configurability, and interoperability of control software. Sources detailing its development include technical reports from the IEC itself as well as academic research papers published in various engineering journals.

Ask the right questions secure the right IEC 61499 Function Block language. talent among an increasingly shrinking pool of talent.

First 20 minutes

General IEC 61499 Function Block language. app knowledge and experience

The first 20 minutes of the interview should seek to understand the candidate's general background in IEC 61499 Function Block language. application development, including their experience with various programming languages, databases, and their approach to designing scalable and maintainable systems.

Can you explain the basic structure of a function block in IEC 61499?
A function block in IEC 61499 consists of three main parts: an interface, a behavior, and a body. The interface defines the inputs, outputs, and parameters of the function block. The behavior describes the state machine of the function block, including states, transitions, and events. The body contains the algorithms that are executed in each state.
How would you define an event in IEC 61499?
An event in IEC 61499 is a mechanism for triggering actions or transitions within a function block. Events can be associated with input or output data and can be used to control the execution of algorithms.
What are the different types of function blocks in IEC 61499?
There are two main types of function blocks in IEC 61499: basic function blocks (BFBs) and composite function blocks (CFBs). BFBs contain algorithms and event-driven state machines, while CFBs are used to encapsulate other function blocks.
Describe the difference between a basic function block and a composite function block in IEC 61499.
A basic function block (BFB) in IEC 61499 contains an internal behavior defined by a state machine and algorithms, while a composite function block (CFB) does not have its own behavior but instead encapsulates other function blocks, defining the data and event connections between them.
How would you implement a state machine in a function block?
A state machine in a function block is implemented using states and transitions. Each state can have one or more associated algorithms that are executed when the state is active. Transitions are used to move from one state to another based on events and conditions.
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What you’re looking for early on

Does the candidate demonstrate a clear understanding of the IEC 61499 standard?
Has the candidate provided examples of projects they have completed using the IEC 61499 Function Block language?
Can the candidate explain complex concepts in an easily understandable way?
Is the candidate able to discuss different methodologies used in the development of Function Block systems?

Next 20 minutes

Specific IEC 61499 Function Block language. development questions

The next 20 minutes of the interview should focus on the candidate's expertise with specific backend frameworks, their understanding of RESTful APIs, and their experience in handling data storage and retrieval efficiently.

What are the key differences between IEC 61499 and its predecessor, IEC 61131-3?
IEC 61499 extends IEC 61131-3 by introducing event-driven function blocks and support for distributed systems. While IEC 61131-3 focuses on the sequential execution of code, IEC 61499 allows for more concurrent execution through its event-driven model.
How would you handle data exchange between function blocks in IEC 61499?
Data exchange between function blocks in IEC 61499 is handled through event connections and data connections. Event connections trigger the execution of function blocks, while data connections pass data between them.
What are the benefits of using IEC 61499 for industrial automation systems?
IEC 61499 provides several benefits for industrial automation systems, including support for distributed systems, improved reusability of function blocks, and a more flexible, event-driven model that allows for concurrent execution of code.
How would you design a distributed system using IEC 61499?
In IEC 61499, a distributed system can be designed by deploying function blocks across multiple devices. The event-driven model of IEC 61499 allows for communication and coordination between these distributed function blocks.
Describe the difference between an event connection and a data connection in IEC 61499.
In IEC 61499, an event connection is used to trigger the execution of a function block, while a data connection is used to pass data between function blocks. Event connections can be associated with data, allowing data to be passed along with the event.
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The ideal back-end app developer

What you’re looking to see on the IEC 61499 Function Block language. engineer at this point.

At this point, a skilled IEC 61499 Function Block language. engineer should demonstrate strong problem-solving abilities, proficiency in IEC 61499 Function Block language. programming language, and knowledge of software development methodologies. Red flags include lack of hands-on experience, inability to articulate complex concepts, or unfamiliarity with standard coding practices.

Digging deeper

Code questions

These will help you see the candidate's real-world development capabilities with IEC 61499 Function Block language..

What does this simple IEC 61499 Function Block code snippet do?
  start: BOOL;

  done: BOOL;

  IF start THEN
    done := TRUE;
This code defines a simple function block called 'SimpleFB'. It has an input variable 'start' of type boolean and an output variable 'done' also of type boolean. It contains a method 'Run' which sets the output variable 'done' to true if the input 'start' is true.
What does this IEC 61499 Function Block code snippet do with the general syntax?
  a: INT;
  b: INT;

  result: INT;

  result := a + b;
This code defines a function block named 'FB_Add' that adds two integers. It has two input variables 'a' and 'b' of type integer and an output variable 'result' of type integer. It contains a method 'Add' which adds the values of 'a' and 'b' and assigns the result to the output variable 'result'.
What does this IEC 61499 Function Block code snippet do with an array?
  arr: ARRAY [1..10] OF INT;

  sum: INT;

  FOR i := 1 TO 10 DO
    sum := sum + arr[i];
This code defines a function block named 'FB_Array' that calculates the sum of an array of integers. It has an input variable 'arr' which is an array of 10 integers and an output variable 'sum' of type integer. It contains a method 'Sum' which iterates over the array and adds each element to the 'sum'.
What does this IEC 61499 Function Block code snippet do with concurrency?

  start -> E_SPLIT -> fb1.start, fb2.start;
  fb1.done AND fb2.done -> E_MERGE -> done;
This code defines a function block named 'FB_Concurrent' that starts two other function blocks 'fb1' and 'fb2' concurrently when the 'start' event is received. It generates a 'done' event when both 'fb1' and 'fb2' have finished their execution.

Wrap-up questions

Final candidate for IEC 61499 Function Block language. Developer role questions

The final few questions should evaluate the candidate's teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills. Additionally, assess their knowledge of microservices architecture, serverless computing, and how they handle IEC 61499 Function Block language. application deployments. Inquire about their experience in handling system failures and their approach to debugging and troubleshooting.

How would you implement a complex control algorithm using function blocks in IEC 61499?
A complex control algorithm can be implemented in IEC 61499 by breaking it down into smaller parts and encapsulating each part in a function block. These function blocks can then be connected together using event and data connections to form the overall control algorithm.
What are the challenges of using IEC 61499 for real-time control systems?
One of the challenges of using IEC 61499 for real-time control systems is ensuring that the event-driven model can meet the timing requirements of the system. This requires careful design of the function blocks and their interactions.
How would you ensure the interoperability of function blocks in IEC 61499?
Interoperability of function blocks in IEC 61499 can be ensured by following the standard's guidelines for function block interfaces. This includes using standard data types and event types, and clearly defining the behavior of the function block.

IEC 61499 Function Block language. application related

Product Perfect's IEC 61499 Function Block language. development capabilities

Beyond hiring for your IEC 61499 Function Block language. engineering team, you may be in the market for additional help. Product Perfect provides seasoned expertise in IEC 61499 Function Block language. projects, and can engage in multiple capacities.