AR/VR Development

Looking into the future

The tipping point for AI, VR, MR and XR is here.

How VR, AR, and the metaverse will change our lives - maybe

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Distinguishing characteristics of VR, AR, MR, XR development

The software development lifecycle for AR, VR, MR, and XR is consistent. Only at the end points of development, do these varying realities become distinguishable.

Augmented Reality

AR is the blending of the real and virtual world. Augmented reality displays layers of computer-generated text, graphics, audio, video, and animation on top of a view of the physical world, offering businesses the ability to provide important information in real-time.

Virtual Reality

VR immerses the user inside a 3D world, simulating fully artificial environments that excite the senses, while allowing interaction in a full 3D world. The only limits to near-real VR experiences are the availability of content and cheap computing power.

Mixed Reality

MR is a hybrid reality merging the real and virtual world to produce environments where physical and digital objects interact in real time. Practical applications include for architecture, design, entertainment, military training, real estate, TV and film, and remote working.

eXtended Reality

Called “The third pillar of entertainment”, XR is expected to become one of the world’s most ubiquitous and disruptive computing platforms—similar to today’s smartphone. XR encapsulates AR, VR, and MR, while fostering immersive and emotional customer engagements.

We partner with these industry leading platforms

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Augmented reality in our world

From virtual objects displayed in the real world, to immersive artificial environments, the merging of the real and virtual worlds offers companies a unique opportunity to bring customer interaction to a whole new level.

Escape reality

No longer stuck in the realm of sci-fi, AR has entered everyday life. Leveraging and optimizing the use of technologies such as mobility, location, 3D content management, and imaging, AR creates a simulated environment that enhances a user's senses. Digital tools make the customer experience immersive, engaging, and unforgettable.

Overlaying 3D

Overlaying 3D instructions over real-life processes can reduce error rates (for an assembly task) by 82%, considerably limiting assembly-line mistakes. Prototyping parts and products can be done instantaneously.


Augmented reality’s immersive environments help educate, improve productivity, provide invaluable hands-on experience, and disseminate important company information. Such immersion enables real-time access to data and unique ways to visualize problems.


AR, VR, MR, and XR allows users to generate new forms of reality by bringing digital objects into the physical world as well as transporting physical world objects into the digital world. Utilizing camera sensor data and data from gyroscopes and accelerometers, an AR visualization tool can detect and analyze a users’ surroundings then overlay and render effects on a mobile device, turning a phone into a real-time marketing device.

“I believe that that augmented and virtual reality . . . enable a deeper sense of presence and social connection than any existing platform.”

Mark Zuckerberg

AR and VR tools we love


A framework purpose-built for AR development that allows users to develop their application once, then deploy it across multiple mobile and wearable AR devices. Features include photorealistic rendering, physics, device optimizations, and more.


Google’s answer to ARKit, it comes with motion tracking, surface detection, light estimation, as well as several other advanced features including cross device sharing of virtual objects.


Apple’s easy to understand, go-to application for the development of AR on Apple devices. It relies on cameras and geospatial sensors built into the phone to detect and analyze users’ surroundings for AR visualization.

Visual Studio

The flagship development environment from Microsoft used to develop computer programs, as well as websites, web apps, web services and mobile apps. Visual Studio uses Microsoft software development platforms such as Windows API, Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Store and Microsoft Silverlight. It can produce both native code and managed code.


An augmented reality software development kit that offers a wide range of products for developing AR experiences; supports both marker-based and marker less AR. Ground Plane, Visual Camera, and VuMarks make it one of the best for object recognition and 3D modeling tools.

Autodesk 3DS Max

3DS Max offers a rich and flexible toolset to create premium designs with full artistic control. It helps creators produce professional-quality 3D animations, renders, and models quickly and efficiently.

$1.5 Trillion

$1.5 trillion value potential from VR and AR systems by 2030. 2022 “Economic Impact of AR VR.”


Estimated Augmented Reality market value by 2024*


Retailers who feel ill prepared to support emerging mobile tech†


Consumers used Augmented Reality to shop in 2020.**


Cognitive encoding is 70% higher for AR experiencesº

Full suite of AR/VR development

See our other AR/VR offerings/coverage below

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