
Calculation, aggregation, processing, and reporting

Our clients are some of the largest tax payment processing providers in the world, paying over 20 billion USD annually to US-based jurisdictions.

Remote Workers are on Cybersecurity Frontlines

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Dimensions of tax payment distribution

The tax function must keep up with increasingly demanding and evolving regulatory and client needs. An enterprise set up with an optimized, data-driven, real time tax function stays one step ahead of tax authorties.

Data Integration

Tax data analytics helps create a ‘Data Trust Index’ that gives organizations the confidence that their data is cleansed, accurate, up-to-data, and shareable. Trustworthy data is the first step in the analytics process. Companies need to utilize data that drives their bottom line.

Value Creation

Tax data analytics combines a company’s technical knowledge, with massive data sets, visualized dashboards, real-time analytics, and , to generate insights that account for the shifting regulatory environment.


When it comes to tax analytics deployment, regulators are way ahead of advisors, resulting in a constant cat-and-mouse game between the two. The shifting tax and regulatory landscape on the federal, state, and local level means a strategy that works one year is useless the next. Proactive tax compliance means remaining one step ahead of regulators, exactly where your clients want you to be.

We support leading tax industry platforms & software


  • Open

  • idu-Concept

  • CYMA

  • FinancialForce


  • FinancialForce Accounting

  • Xero


  • Open

  • NetSuite

  • FreshBooks

  • Sage Intacct

  • Kashoo


  • MYOB Advanced Business

  • M1 ERP

  • Epicor

  • Oracle

  • Acumatica Cloud ERP

The evolution of the mortgage and banking industry as technology platforms shift

Michael Gertsner, Sr. Consultant, Product Perfect, talks about the evolution of the mortgage and banking industry as technology platforms shift.

Read the interview

Looking at tax data, from every direction


Perfect data is never a prerequisite. Diagnostic analytics can monitor changes and calculate historical performance in a data set. Diagnostics on past data provides may prove an excellent indicator of future performance, allowing buildout of dynamic forecasting models.


Descriptive analytics moves a step further along the analytics timeline. By drilling deeper into the data, more sophisticated queries and more valuable outcomes can be attained. Complex tax questions can be answered and reviewed with greater ease and insight.


Feeding historical data into an analytical model that examines key tax trends and patterns can provide invaluable foresight. Past data can be used to predict tax liability, and uncover monthly trends in book income, cash taxes, and effective tax rates. Predicting future tax liability allows for appropriate budgetting and compliance.


Prescriptive analytics offers structured guidance and precise planning. Regression and statistical models can make recommendations that empower future growth and optimize decision making.

Connect with our team for a focused, collaborative session.

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Discovery Call

Senior consultants with previous experience with these types of projects can set the stage for a well-framed engagement.

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Product Deep-Dive

A focused session on your specific software applications, platforms, or projects. Typically this includes technical resources from both sides.

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