Hiring guide for Little b Engineers

Little b Developer Hiring Guide

Little b is a programming language that was developed by the Harvard Medical School's Department of Systems Biology. It was designed to support modeling, simulation, and analysis of complex biological systems. The language is rule-based and allows users to create models that are not only descriptive but also executable, which can simulate the behavior of biological systems. Little b aims to provide a high level of abstraction, making it easier for biologists to define complex models without needing extensive programming knowledge. It also supports integration with other languages and tools, such as MATLAB and R for statistical analysis.

Ask the right questions secure the right Little b talent among an increasingly shrinking pool of talent.

First 20 minutes

General Little b app knowledge and experience

The first 20 minutes of the interview should seek to understand the candidate's general background in Little b application development, including their experience with various programming languages, databases, and their approach to designing scalable and maintainable systems.

How would you describe the syntax of Little b?
Little b uses a Lisp-like syntax that is designed to be easily read and written by both humans and machines.
What are the main features of Little b?
Little b's main features include its ability to represent complex biological systems, support for modularity and reusability, and its integration with other languages and tools.
Describe the difference between Little b and other programming languages.
The main difference is that Little b is specifically designed for modeling and simulating biological systems, whereas other programming languages are general-purpose.
How would you implement a simple model in Little b?
To implement a simple model in Little b, you would define the entities and their interactions using the language's syntax. This would include specifying the parameters of the model and writing the equations that describe the system's dynamics.
What are the advantages of using Little b for modeling biological systems?
Little b allows for a high level of abstraction and modularity, which makes it easier to represent complex biological systems. It also integrates well with other tools, allowing for more comprehensive analyses.
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What you’re looking for early on

Does the candidate demonstrate a strong understanding of Little b language?
Have they shown problem-solving skills during the interview?
Is the candidate able to communicate their thoughts and ideas clearly?
Does the candidate have experience with software development best practices?

Next 20 minutes

Specific Little b development questions

The next 20 minutes of the interview should focus on the candidate's expertise with specific backend frameworks, their understanding of RESTful APIs, and their experience in handling data storage and retrieval efficiently.

How would you debug a Little b program?
Debugging a Little b program involves running it with test data and checking the output for unexpected results. If there are errors, you would need to examine the code to identify and fix the problem.
Describe the difference between a deterministic and a stochastic model in Little b.
A deterministic model in Little b is one where the outcome is completely determined by the input parameters. A stochastic model, on the other hand, includes random variables and therefore can produce different outcomes even with the same input parameters.
What are the challenges of using Little b?
Some challenges of using Little b include its steep learning curve, especially for those not familiar with Lisp-like syntax, and the lack of extensive documentation and community support compared to more mainstream languages.
How would you optimize a Little b model for performance?
Optimizing a Little b model for performance could involve reducing the complexity of the model, using more efficient algorithms, or leveraging parallel computing capabilities.
Describe the difference between a discrete and a continuous model in Little b.
A discrete model in Little b is one where the variables can only take on a finite set of values, typically integers. A continuous model, on the other hand, allows the variables to take on any value within a specified range.
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The ideal back-end app developer

What you’re looking to see on the Little b engineer at this point.

At this point, a skilled Little b engineer should demonstrate strong problem-solving abilities, proficiency in Little b programming language, and knowledge of software development methodologies. Red flags include lack of hands-on experience, inability to articulate complex concepts, or unfamiliarity with standard coding practices.

Digging deeper

Code questions

These will help you see the candidate's real-world development capabilities with Little b.

What does the following code do?
  "name": "John",
  "age": 30,
  "city": "New York"
This code defines a JSON object that represents a person. The person has three properties: name, age, and city.
What will be the output of the following code?
  "employees": [
    {"firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe"},
    {"firstName": "Anna", "lastName": "Smith"},
    {"firstName": "Peter", "lastName": "Jones"}
This code defines a JSON object that represents a list of employees. Each employee is represented as a separate JSON object within the employees array.
What does the following code do?
  "books": [
    {"title": "Moby Dick", "author": "Herman Melville"},
    {"title": "The Great Gatsby", "author": "F. Scott Fitzgerald"}
This code defines a JSON object that represents a list of books. Each book is represented as a separate JSON object within the books array.
What will be the output of the following code?
  "thread": {
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Thread-1",
    "priority": 5
This code defines a JSON object that represents a thread. The thread has three properties: id, name, and priority.

Wrap-up questions

Final candidate for Little b Developer role questions

The final few questions should evaluate the candidate's teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills. Additionally, assess their knowledge of microservices architecture, serverless computing, and how they handle Little b application deployments. Inquire about their experience in handling system failures and their approach to debugging and troubleshooting.

How would you validate a Little b model?
Validating a Little b model involves comparing its predictions with empirical data. If the model's predictions match the data well, it can be considered valid.
What are the limitations of Little b?
Limitations of Little b include its relatively small user base, lack of extensive libraries and tools compared to other languages, and the need for substantial computational resources for large-scale models.
How would you extend the functionality of Little b?
One way to extend the functionality of Little b is by integrating it with other languages and tools. For example, you could use Python or R for data analysis and visualization, or use a tool like BioNetGen for network generation.

Little b application related

Product Perfect's Little b development capabilities

Beyond hiring for your Little b engineering team, you may be in the market for additional help. Product Perfect provides seasoned expertise in Little b projects, and can engage in multiple capacities.