Hiring guide for XBL Engineers

XBL Developer Hiring Guide

XBL, which stands for XML Binding Language, is a programming language used to declare the behavior and look of XUL-widgets and XML elements. Developed by Mozilla, it was primarily designed to enable developers to create and extend reusable components in a more convenient way. XBL allows for encapsulation and inheritance in user interface code. It also provides the ability to insert anonymous content into a binding, thus offering flexibility in terms of defining how an element should be rendered by layout engine. However, it's worth noting that this language is not widely adopted outside Mozilla applications.

Ask the right questions secure the right XBL talent among an increasingly shrinking pool of talent.

First 20 minutes

General XBL app knowledge and experience

The first 20 minutes of the interview should seek to understand the candidate's general background in XBL application development, including their experience with various programming languages, databases, and their approach to designing scalable and maintainable systems.

What are the basic components of XBL?
The basic components of XBL are bindings, elements, and handlers. Bindings define the behavior of an element, elements are the HTML or XUL elements that the bindings are attached to, and handlers are the scripts that respond to events.
How would you bind a behavior to an element in XBL?
To bind a behavior to an element in XBL, you would use the -moz-binding CSS property. The value of this property would be a URL that points to an XBL file that contains the binding definition.
What is the purpose of the tag in XBL?
The tag in XBL is used to define the methods, properties, and fields of a binding. It is essentially the JavaScript part of the binding.
Describe the difference between the and