AppleScript Developer Hiring Guide

Hiring Guide for AppleScript Engineers

Ask the right questions to secure the right AppleScript talent among an increasingly shrinking pool of talent.

AppleScript is a high-level scripting language developed by Apple Inc., first introduced in the System 7.1.1 update in 1993. It is designed to automate tasks within the Mac OS environment, utilizing an English-like syntax to simplify the programming process. The language interfaces with many system and application functions, including file manipulation, data entry, and even complex task automation. AppleScript's integration with macOS allows it to control and exchange data between different applications. Its ease of use and broad functionality have made it a staple tool for Mac users seeking to streamline their workflows.

First 20 minutes

General AppleScript knowledge and experience

The next 20 minutes of the interview should attempt to focus more specifically on the development questions used, and the level of depth and skill the engineer possesses.

How would you handle errors in AppleScript?

Errors can be handled in AppleScript using 'try' and 'on error' statements. The 'try' block contains the code that may cause an error, and the 'on error' block contains the code to handle the error.

What is the use of 'tell' statement in AppleScript?

The 'tell' statement is used to specify the application that will receive the commands enclosed within the 'tell' block.

Describe the difference between a list and a record in AppleScript.

A list is an ordered collection of items that can be of any data type. A record is similar to a list but it is an unordered collection of properties, where each property has a name and a value.

How would you declare a variable in AppleScript?

In AppleScript, you can declare a variable using the 'set' keyword. For example, 'set myVar to 10'.

What are the basic data types in AppleScript?

The basic data types in AppleScript are string, number, list, record, date, and boolean.

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What youre looking for early-on

Does the candidate show a willingness to learn and adapt?

Technology and programming languages are constantly evolving. A willingness to learn and adapt is key to staying current and effective in a developer role.

Is the candidate able to communicate effectively?

Good communication skills are important in any role, as they will need to work with a team, understand requirements, and explain their work to others.

Does the candidate have experience with other scripting languages?

While not necessary, experience with other scripting languages can indicate a broader understanding of coding and can be beneficial in certain situations.

Has the candidate shown a good understanding of the Mac OS environment?

Since AppleScript is primarily used for automating tasks on the macOS, a good understanding of this environment is crucial.

Has the candidate demonstrated problem-solving abilities?

Being able to troubleshoot and solve problems is a critical skill for a developer. This indicates that they can handle complex tasks and overcome challenges.

Does the candidate have a strong foundational understanding of AppleScript?

This is important as AppleScript is the primary skill required for the job. Without this, they will struggle to perform their duties effectively.

Next 20 minutes

Specific AppleScript development questions

The next 20 minutes of the interview should attempt to focus more specifically on the development questions used, and the level of depth and skill the engineer possesses.

How would you use AppleScript to automate a task in a Mac application?

You can use the 'tell' statement to send commands to the application. The specific commands depend on the application's AppleScript dictionary, which defines what commands the application can respond to.

Describe the difference between 'copy' and 'set' commands in AppleScript.

'Set' command creates a reference to the original value, so changes to the variable will affect the original value. 'Copy' command creates a separate copy of the value, so changes to the variable will not affect the original value.

What is the purpose of 'run script' command in AppleScript?

The 'run script' command is used to execute an AppleScript code from a string, a file, or a script object. It allows dynamic execution of AppleScript code.

How would you interact with the file system using AppleScript?

AppleScript provides several commands to interact with the file system, such as 'open for access', 'read', 'write', 'close access', etc. These commands can be used to perform operations like reading from a file or writing to a file.

What are handlers in AppleScript and how would you create one?

Handlers are similar to functions or procedures in other programming languages. You can create a handler using the 'on' keyword followed by the handler name and parameters. The code block is enclosed between 'on' and 'end' keywords.

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The ideal back-end app developer

What you’re looking to see on the AppleScript engineer at this point.

At this point, a skilled AppleScript engineer should have demonstrated their proficiency in writing and debugging AppleScript code, their understanding of Mac OS X environment, and their ability to integrate AppleScript with other questions. Red flags would include lack of experience with automation processes or inability to solve complex problems.

Digging deeper

Code questions

These will help you see the candidate's real-world development capabilities with AppleScript.

What does this simple AppleScript code do?

tell application "Finder"
    display dialog "Hello, World!"
end tell

This code displays a dialog box with the message 'Hello, World!' using the Finder application.

What does this AppleScript code do?

set myVar to 5
if myVar is greater than 3 then
    display dialog "The variable is greater than 3."
end if

This code sets a variable 'myVar' to 5 and then checks if 'myVar' is greater than 3. If it is, it displays a dialog box with the message 'The variable is greater than 3.'

What does this AppleScript code do?

set myList to {"apple", "banana", "cherry"}
repeat with myItem in myList
    display dialog myItem
end repeat

This code creates a list with three items: 'apple', 'banana', and 'cherry'. It then loops through each item in the list and displays a dialog box with the current item.

What does this AppleScript code do?

using terms from application "Finder"
    on open myFiles
        repeat with myFile in myFiles
            do shell script "open -a 'TextEdit' " & quoted form of (POSIX path of myFile)
        end repeat
    end open
end using terms from

This code defines a script that will be run when files are dropped onto the script's icon. It loops through each file and opens it in TextEdit using a shell script.

What does this AppleScript code do?

script myObject
    property myProperty : "Hello, World!"
    on myMethod()
        display dialog myProperty
    end myMethod
end script
myObject's myMethod()

This code defines an object 'myObject' with a property 'myProperty' and a method 'myMethod'. The method displays a dialog box with the value of 'myProperty'. The method is then called on 'myObject'.

What does this AppleScript code do?

on run {input, parameters}
    set myString to (input as string)
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " "
    set myWords to every text item of myString
    return (count myWords)
end run

This code defines a script that takes an input and parameters. It converts the input to a string and sets the text item delimiters to a space. It then splits the string into words and returns the count of the words.

Wrap-up questions

Final candidate for AppleScript role questions

The final few interview questions for a AppleScript candidate should typically focus on a combination of technical skills, personal goals, growth potential, team dynamics, and company culture.

Describe the difference between 'ignoring case' and 'considering case' in AppleScript.

'Ignoring case' means that the case of the characters is not considered in string comparisons. 'Considering case' means that the case of the characters is considered in string comparisons.

How would you call a shell script from AppleScript?

You can call a shell script from AppleScript using the 'do shell script' command. The command to be executed is passed as a string to this command.

What is the purpose of 'osascript' command in macOS?

'osascript' is a command-line tool in macOS that executes AppleScript and other OSA language scripts. It allows running AppleScript from the terminal or from a shell script.

How would you use AppleScript to interact with a web page in Safari?

You can use the 'do JavaScript' command in a 'tell' block for Safari. The JavaScript code can interact with the web page elements.

What is the use of 'property' keyword in AppleScript?

The 'property' keyword is used to declare a variable that retains its value between different runs of the script. It's similar to a static variable in other programming languages.

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AppleScript application related

Product Perfect's AppleScript development capabilities

Beyond hiring for your AppleScript engineering team, you may be in the market for additional help. Product Perfect provides seasoned expertise in AppleScript projects, and can engage in multiple capacities.