ECL (Enterprise Control Language) Developer Hiring Guide

Hiring Guide for ECL (Enterprise Control Language) Engineers

Ask the right questions to secure the right ECL (Enterprise Control Language) talent among an increasingly shrinking pool of talent.

ECL (Enterprise Control Language) is a declarative, data-centric programming language developed by LexisNexis Risk Solutions. Introduced in the early 2000s, ECL was created to manage and analyze large volumes of data for enterprise-level applications. The language operates on HPCC Systems platform, an open-source big-data computing system designed by the same company. Its high-level syntax simplifies complex data manipulations and transformations while ensuring efficient execution across massive datasets. Information about ECL's history and functionality can be found on official HPCC Systems' website as well as various academic research publications.

First 20 minutes

General ECL (Enterprise Control Language) knowledge and experience

The next 20 minutes of the interview should attempt to focus more specifically on the development questions used, and the level of depth and skill the engineer possesses.

How would you use the JOIN function in ECL?

The JOIN function in ECL is used to combine two datasets based on a common key. The syntax involves specifying the two datasets, the join condition, and the transform function to apply to matching records.

Describe the difference between a SET and a DATASET in ECL.

A SET in ECL is a collection of like-typed data items, while a DATASET is a collection of records. Each record in a DATASET can have multiple fields of different types.

What is the purpose of the OUTPUT action in ECL?

The OUTPUT action in ECL is used to write the results of an ECL query to a file or to the workunit.

How would you define a dataset in ECL?

In ECL, a dataset is defined by providing a layout that describes the data, and a method to extract the data. The layout is a record definition and the method could be a file service function.

What are the basic components of ECL?

The basic components of ECL include Datasets, Transform Functions, Actions, and Attributes.

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What youre looking for early-on

Has the candidate demonstrated a capacity for continuous learning and adapting to new technologies?

The tech field is constantly evolving, so it's important for developers to be able to learn and adapt to new technologies.

Does the candidate have experience with other programming languages?

While ECL is the primary language for this role, experience with other languages can be beneficial and demonstrate a broader understanding of programming.

Has the candidate shown the ability to work as part of a team?

Developers often work as part of a team, so good teamwork skills are important.

Is the candidate familiar with data manipulation and data management techniques?

ECL is often used for data manipulation and management, so familiarity with these techniques is important.

Has the candidate demonstrated problem-solving skills?

Problem-solving skills are important for a developer to troubleshoot and resolve issues that may arise during coding.

Does the candidate have a solid understanding of ECL?

A strong understanding of ECL is crucial for this role as it is the primary language they will be working with.

Next 20 minutes

Specific ECL (Enterprise Control Language) development questions

The next 20 minutes of the interview should attempt to focus more specifically on the development questions used, and the level of depth and skill the engineer possesses.

Describe the difference between a PROJECT and a TABLE function in ECL.

The PROJECT function in ECL is used to create a new dataset by applying a transform function to each record in an existing dataset. The TABLE function is similar, but it also allows you to specify a grouping condition to create a grouped dataset.

What is the purpose of the DEDUP function in ECL?

The DEDUP function in ECL is used to remove duplicate records from a dataset. It can be used with different options to control which records are considered duplicates and which record is kept.

How would you handle missing data in ECL?

Missing data in ECL can be handled using the DEFAULT function, which provides a default value when a field is missing or NULL.

Describe the difference between a SORTED and a GROUPED dataset in ECL.

A SORTED dataset in ECL is one where the records are arranged in a specific order based on one or more fields. A GROUPED dataset is similar, but the records are also divided into groups based on a grouping condition.

What are the different types of JOINs in ECL?

ECL supports several types of JOINs including INNER, LEFT OUTER, RIGHT OUTER, FULL OUTER, and CROSS.

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The ideal back-end app developer

What you’re looking to see on the ECL (Enterprise Control Language) engineer at this point.

At this point, a skilled ECL engineer should demonstrate strong problem-solving abilities, proficiency in ECL and related technologies, and exceptional communication skills. Red flags include lack of practical experience, inability to explain complex concepts clearly, or showing no interest in continuous learning.

Digging deeper

Code questions

These will help you see the candidate's real-world development capabilities with ECL (Enterprise Control Language).

What does this simple ECL code do?

IMPORT STD; STD.System.Thorlib.echo('Hello, World!');

This code imports the standard library and then uses the echo function from the Thorlib module to print 'Hello, World!' to the console.

What will be the output of this ECL code snippet?

SET OF STRING10 Cities := ['New York', 'London', 'Paris']; OUTPUT(Cities);

This code defines a set of strings named 'Cities' and assigns three city names to it. The OUTPUT function then prints these city names.

What does this ECL code do that involves array manipulation?

SET OF INTEGER MyNumbers := [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; MyNumbers := MyNumbers[2..4]; OUTPUT(MyNumbers);

This code first defines a set of integers named 'MyNumbers' and assigns five numbers to it. Then it reassigns 'MyNumbers' to be a subset of itself, specifically the second through fourth elements. The OUTPUT function then prints these three numbers.

What does this ECL code do that involves threading?

IMPORT STD; STD.Parallel.ParallelSleep(1, 5);

This code imports the standard library and then uses the ParallelSleep function from the Parallel module to pause execution of the current thread for five seconds.

What does this ECL code do that involves class design?

RECORD Person { STRING10 Name; INTEGER Age; }; Person John := { 'John', 30 }; OUTPUT(John);

This code defines a record (similar to a class in object-oriented programming) named 'Person' with two fields: 'Name' and 'Age'. It then creates an instance of 'Person' named 'John' and assigns values to its fields. The OUTPUT function then prints John's name and age.

What will be the output of this advanced ECL code snippet?

SET OF INTEGER MyNumbers := [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; MyNumbers := MyNumbers[1] + MyNumbers[5]; OUTPUT(MyNumbers);

This code first defines a set of integers named 'MyNumbers' and assigns five numbers to it. Then it reassigns 'MyNumbers' to be the sum of the first and fifth elements of the original set. The OUTPUT function then prints this sum.

Wrap-up questions

Final candidate for ECL (Enterprise Control Language) role questions

The final few interview questions for a ECL (Enterprise Control Language) candidate should typically focus on a combination of technical skills, personal goals, growth potential, team dynamics, and company culture.

What are the best practices for writing maintainable ECL code?

Best practices for writing maintainable ECL code include using meaningful names for attributes and datasets, commenting your code, organizing code into modules and services, and following a consistent coding style.

How would you handle errors in ECL?

Errors in ECL can be handled using the CATCH function, which allows you to specify an action to take when an error occurs. You can also use the FAIL function to raise an error.

Describe the difference between a MODULE and a SERVICE in ECL.

A MODULE in ECL is a collection of related ECL definitions, while a SERVICE is a MODULE that is designed to be used by other ECL code. A SERVICE can include actions, which are functions that can be called remotely.

What are the different types of indexes in ECL and how are they used?

ECL supports two types of indexes: keyed and non-keyed. Keyed indexes are used for fast access to data based on a key, while non-keyed indexes are used for full-text search.

How would you optimize an ECL query for performance?

ECL query performance can be optimized by minimizing data movement, using indexes, optimizing joins, and using the CHOOSEN function to limit the number of records processed.

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ECL (Enterprise Control Language) application related

Product Perfect's ECL (Enterprise Control Language) development capabilities

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