import Html exposing (text)
main = text "Hello, World!"
Ask the right questions to secure the right Elm talent among an increasingly shrinking pool of talent.
Elm is a functional programming language for front-end web development, designed to foster robust, complex applications. Introduced by Evan Czaplicki in 2012 as part of his thesis at Harvard University, Elm was created with the goal of improving GUI architecture. The language is known for its strong type inference and friendly error messages that make it beginner-friendly. Elm compiles to JavaScript, making it compatible with all major browsers. It has gained popularity due to its performance benefits and emphasis on developer productivity and code reliability.
The next 20 minutes of the interview should attempt to focus more specifically on the development questions used, and the level of depth and skill the engineer possesses.
In Elm, you can create a function using the following syntax: 'functionName parameter = expression'.
The Elm Architecture is a pattern for architecting interactive programs, like webapps and games. It has three parts: Model, Update, and View.
In Elm, you can declare a variable using the 'let' keyword, like 'let x = 5'.
Some benefits of using Elm include strong static typing, no runtime exceptions, great performance, and easy refactoring.
You can install Elm using npm with the command 'npm install -g elm'.
Elm is a relatively new language, and it's still evolving. A good Elm developer needs to be able to keep up with these changes and learn new concepts quickly.
Elm's package manager is a key tool for managing dependencies. Experience with it is a good sign that the candidate can effectively manage and maintain Elm projects.
Debugging is a crucial skill for any developer. Elm has some unique debugging tools and techniques, so it's important that the candidate is comfortable with these.
Elm's type system is a key feature of the language. A good understanding of it can help prevent many common bugs.
This is a key skill for any developer. Clean, efficient code is easier to maintain, debug, and extend.
This is important because Elm has a unique architecture that separates it from other languages. Understanding this architecture is crucial for writing efficient and effective Elm code.
The next 20 minutes of the interview should attempt to focus more specifically on the development questions used, and the level of depth and skill the engineer possesses.
'map' is used to apply a function to a value inside a context, like 'Maybe' or 'Result'. 'andThen' is used to chain operations that might fail, it takes a function that returns a context and a value inside a context.
The 'Maybe' type is used to handle optional values and null checks. It can be 'Just value' or 'Nothing'.
Elm uses a type called 'Result' for error handling. The 'Result' type can be 'Ok' or 'Err', and you can pattern match on it to handle different cases.
Elm signals are values that change over time. They are used to handle events and user input in an Elm application.
A record is a collection of key-value pairs, while a tuple is an ordered collection of values. Records have named fields and are used when you need to bundle related data together. Tuples are used when you need to group a fixed number of values together for a specific purpose.
A skilled Elm engineer should demonstrate proficiency in Elm language, understanding of functional programming principles, and experience in troubleshooting. Red flags would include a lack of specifics when discussing past projects or inability to explain complex Elm concepts effectively.
import Html exposing (text)
main = text "Hello, World!"
import Html exposing (..)
main = div [] [ text "Hello", text "World" ]
import List exposing (map)
main = map ((*) 2) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
import Task
import Time exposing (second)
main = Task.sleep (2 * second)
type alias User = { name : String, age : Int }
main = User "John Doe" 30
import Html exposing (text)
type alias User = { name : String, age : Int }
main = let user = User "John Doe" 30 in text
The final few interview questions for a Elm candidate should typically focus on a combination of technical skills, personal goals, growth potential, team dynamics, and company culture.
You can optimize an Elm application for performance by using 'Html.Lazy' and 'Html.Keyed' to minimize DOM updates, and by using 'Dict' and 'Set' for efficient data structures.
'' is used to lift a child component's message to a parent component's message. '' is used to lift a child component's command to a parent component's command.
Side effects in Elm are handled using commands. A command is a value that represents a side effect, like a HTTP request or a random number generation.
Elm subscriptions are a way to listen to external events, like websockets and time. They are used in the Elm Architecture to handle events that don't originate from user input.
You can send a HTTP request in Elm using the 'Http' module. You need to create a 'Request' and send it using 'Http.send'.
Back-end App Developer
Front-end Web Developer
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Database Engineer (General)
Solution Architect (.NET)
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AI Engineer (Python)
Sr. AI Engineer (Python)
AI Strategist (Python)
Business Intelligence Engineer
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Mainframe Developer (COBOL)
Mainframe Developer (General)